Association Meeting
May 11, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
Boone County Airport
1600 E 250 S
Lebanon, IN 46052

Members in attendance:
Earl Brosman, director
Jason Dodd, associate member
Kevin Hoffer, director
Marianne Kitzmiller, associate member
Steve Koch, member
Chuck Long, treasurer
Mark Poliak, member

Also present:
John Kindred, guest
Mark Osowski, guest

With no quorum declared, treasurer Chuck Long started the meeting at 7:00 p.m. at Boone County Airport.

Acceptance of Minutes — The minutes from the April 13, 2023 meeting were approved unanimously.

General Business Report — Earl Brosman, reported that Reese Dodd and others are helping to keep the property mowed.

Treasurer's Report — The checking account balance is approximately $13,500 and the fuel savings account balance is approximately $470. Chuck Long reviewed a report on open fuel bills but none are in the mail. He will send names and balances due on the larger accounts to Michael Mossman, who will send those members their billings. There was an additional discussion about having members pay for fuel in advance.

New Business, Young Eagles Rides — The club hasn't conducted Young Eagles rides in a while. The Boy Scouts now require two pilots in each plane, which will greatly limit the club's supply of aircraft and reduce available seats for Young Eagles.

New Business, Oshkosh — Chuck Long said that club members should fly to Oshkosh together. He would be willing to fly with someone if they wanted to go. Earl Brosman will be taking his camper and will stake out campsites so club members can stay together.

New Business, Currency — Steve Koch recommended using your biennuel flight review to work on items you are nervous about or want help with, so the review can be used for training.

Club Elections — The club is accepting nominations at the June 2023 meeting for the elections, which are held in July. The discussion focused on where Ray Rice (president) and Michael Mossman (secretary) could be.

Adjournment — The meeting was adjourned by Chuck Long at 7:36 p.m.

Meeting minutes by Mark Poliak, member